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Understanding Your Child's Health: They Won’t Grow Out Of It; They’re Growing Into It
As caregivers, we often witness our children facing various health challenges, from infancy through their teenage years and beyond....
Pediatric Chiropractic Care for My Son's Lifelong Wellness
My introduction to the world of chiropractic care happened a mere three days after my birth. Growing up with weekly adjustments in my...
Navigating the Seasonal Shifts for Optimal Health
As the winter months descend upon us, our bodies undergo subtle yet profound changes in response to the shifting environment. As...
Avoiding a C-Section
A C-section is the most commonly performed major surgery. There are ways to discourage having this major intervention
Wholistic Chiropractic
Our goal is to bring greater awareness about how chiropractic can be a resource for your family to increase your overall expression of life
Family Chiropractic Care
Family Chiropractic care is essential for the the growth, development, healing, and thriving of the entire family.
Can a Chiropractor Turn a Breech Baby?
A chiropractic adjustment realigns and restores normal biomechanics to the mother’s body, that allows baby to move into the optimal position
4 Tips for a Happy & Healthy Child
Move, eat, think, and function well are the 4 key factors to raising a healthy child.
The Cause of Dis-ease
Each and every one of your experiences pass through your nervous system. It is at the core your bodies actions, reactions, and emotions
Align Your Body, Align Your Life
Our posture has a far reaching affect on how we feel, our outward appearance, our physiology, and even our success in the world.
Time-Out for Holiday Cheer
Subconsciously we acknowledge the longing for the nature by bringing it inside with decor and scents; but why not go to the source?
You Are a Whole Being
The body is a self-healing, self-regulating, and dynamic system performing countless of infinitesimal actions during the course of our day.
The Profound Psoas
The psoas play an integral role in posture, balance, core stabilization, and moving.
My Chiropractic Story: Dr. Erin
Dr. Erin's works to empower families to take control of their health and reconnect their Minds, bodies, and souls to one another.
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