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Questions to Ask Your Birth Providers
Here are some suggested questions to encourage dialogue and help you get a sense of your care provider’s approach.
Choosing Your Birth Providers
Your environment, and those in it, play a critical role in setting the stage for a positive birth experience and outcome
Avoiding a C-Section
A C-section is the most commonly performed major surgery. There are ways to discourage having this major intervention
Article Resources
Here you will find some resources that we have compiles from different places on varying topics. This page includes all of the articles...
Can a Chiropractor Turn a Breech Baby?
A chiropractic adjustment realigns and restores normal biomechanics to the mother’s body, that allows baby to move into the optimal position
Chiropractor During Pregnancy: Most Asked Questions
Answering frequently asked questions about chiropractic care during pregnancy
Proper Preparation for the Perfect Pregnancy
Chiropractic supports the woman as her body goes through the changes that occur during the stages of pregnancy
5 Tips for Selecting Your Healthcare Team
It is time you began assembling your Health #Squad to help support you and your health goals. With a plethora of practitioners and areas...
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