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Biohacking for Salutogenesis
In the pursuit of holistic well-being, biohacking has emerged as a cutting-edge approach to optimize various aspects of health,...
Navigating the Seasonal Shifts for Optimal Health
As the winter months descend upon us, our bodies undergo subtle yet profound changes in response to the shifting environment. As...
Illuminating Intention: 7-Day Candle
In a world where science and spirituality often seem at odds, there exists a bridge that connects the two realms - the practice of 7-day...
The Nighttime Secret to Optimal Health: The Science Behind Mouth Taping
We are delighted to share with you a transformative practice that has the potential to revolutionize your sleep quality, nervous system...
8 Powerful Full Moon Rituals
The full moon energy is the time of the energetic peak. It is the perfect time to cleanse both physically and emotionally
Goals: 6 Tools that Actually Work
Our goals become accomplishable when we learn to manage and overcome this resistance. Below are 6 tools that can be used in daily life
Intentionality Creates Beauty
Every snowflake is unique. Each pattern is created by differences in moisture, wind patterns, and vapor it may encounter as it falls...
Grateful Gatherings
Bringing attention to meal time and creating time for fellowship with others is a beautiful way to realign with your life.
Feeding Your Mind - Affirmations
Affirmations are proven to improve performance, lower stress, and boost confidence.
The 4 T's of Dis-Ease
the 4 T's, Thoughts, Traumas, Technology, and Toxins, are the cause of subluxations that lead to dis-ease within the body.
Your Life - from Stress to Strength
A recent survey discovered that 8 out of 10 Americans claim they are frequently stressed and anxious. “Frequently” denotes a time of at...
Thriving Through Sleep
Achieving a good night’s rest is more than just the amount of time you spend in your bed.
The Art of Grounding
What is grounding?
1. Physically connecting to the Earth (also called “earthing")
2. Reconnecting to the present moment and the Self
Getting Rid of Negative Energy in Your Home
The energy you put out, is collected in the things around you. You can remove this negative energy in your home.
Immune Boosting Hacks
Immune boosting goes beyond external vitamins. Sleep, mediation, food, and getting adjusted can all promote immune function.
We Create Our Own Luck
We create our own luck, it is not just something that happens to us, it is cultivated.
The Heart
While reflecting on the magnificence of the heart, we realize that we are guilty of protecting and hiding our hearts.
Article Resources
Here you will find some resources that we have compiles from different places on varying topics. This page includes all of the articles...
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